Material and Engineering
Material and Engineering Sciences

More than ever before, the world is experiencing a powerful convergence of science, technology and commerce. With deep experience across materials and engineering sciences, GSRF EAG Laboratories is at the forefront of this revolution. Whether your challenge is to accelerate research and development, solve manufacturing problems or confront legal issues, GSRF EAG Laboratories brings powerful scientific know-how to every phase of your product lifecycle.

Materials Testing & Analysis

When it comes to understanding the physical structure, chemical properties and composition of materials, no scientific services company offers the breadth of experience, diversity of analytical techniques or technical ingenuity of GSRF EAG Laboratories. From polymers to composites, thin films to superalloys - we know how to leverage materials sciences to gain a competitive edge. At GSRF EAG Laboratories, we don’t just perform testing, we drive commercial success - through thoughtfully designed investigations, technically superior analyses and expert interpretation of data.

Advanced Microscopy Biomedical Analysis Composition & Materials ID Contaminant Identification
Deformulation Extractables & Leachables Failure Analysis - Materials Materials Characterization
Metallurgical Analysis Polymer Chemistry Surface Analysis Trace Element Analysis

Microelectronics Test Engineering

Whether connecting the internet of things, guiding surgical lasers or powering the latest smartphone, integrated circuits and microelectronics touch nearly every aspect of human life. In the world of technology, innovation and continuous improvement are imperatives - and being able to quickly and reliably test, debug, diagnose failures and take corrective action can make the difference between a doomed product launch and building a successful global brand. GSRF EAG Laboratories offers you the world’s largest and most diverse collection of specialized analytical instrumentation, the capacity to perform a variety of microelectronic tests in parallel, and the multi-disciplinary expertise required to draw true insight from data.

ATE Test Engineering Burn-In Reliability Qualification ESD Latch-Up Testing
FIB Circuit Edit Debug PCB Design Assembly RGA
Failure Analysis Advanced Microscopy DPA